New video interview with Joel Sekaran

July 15th, 2007 07:07 by Indi-Andy

Oh yes.. we have arrived in India and everyone is safe, and for the most part, sound. I feel a bit beat up from the traveling myself but managed to preach anyway at our first meetings this Sunday. Also, Saturday was busy as I also had to drive down to Chengulpet to meet with Pastors’ Joshua, Caleb, Aruldas and Joel. (CGI founders) We painfully decided there that we would have to cut the conference to one day and reject all the newer registrations due to lack of funding.

Sunday, we went to both Caleb’s church where Chris Caudle preached, and then 4 of us peeled off for the drive down into Chengulpet to be with Pastor Joel Sekaran. Because of the challenges we have had lately, I felt inspired both personally and we as a group to theme our endeavors while here on Gen 32 where Jacob wrestled with God and would not let go. When promises seem elusive in life, you have to recount them exactly, recite them back in prayer, and align your intentions with God’s promises. That is the path to victory.

After the service, we had a chance to interview Pr. Joel so you all can see a summary of the short history of CGI from his perspective. I have learned that the foreignness of India makes it hard for our support base back home to really grasp what is going on here. Video should get you more of the sense of what we are up to.

(not visible in most emails. Go to to see video)

This week, we will be adding video interviews with Joshua and Caleb, as well as some testimonies from the conference. There we can get more into the kinds of breakthroughs we have had over the last 3 years to help you understand this opportunity. This is critical, as we still need your support in order to cover the costs of the conference and the crusade. Please watch for these and pray.

Thank you.


Payment info for India support

July 11th, 2007 12:07 by Indi-Andy

I neglected to mention the specifics in the last post about how to make your contribution, so here it is:

Make checks payable and mail to:

Living Hope Church
Attn: India Crusades
10702 NE 117th Ave.
Vancouver, WA 98662

If you want to see more detail on that, or use an alternate method besides check, go here:

Again, my sincere thanks for your support.


moving ahead despite support to date

July 11th, 2007 11:07 by Indi-Andy

Well friends, my partners in India will not be deterred.

Although I have explained to them that our fund rasing has fallen short by 90% at this point, they are telling me that it is too late to cancel not only the crusade ($12k), but also the pastors conference ($20k) because the cancellation letters will not reach them in time. They are also impressing me wildly by their devotion to prayer to see this through. 300 people showed up at a prayer meeting to so that we can come through for them. Some churches have rallied and been fasting for 5+ days.

Some might read this and say, “Well, next time you should make sure you have all your support secured before letting the planning progress like that”. To that I say, “fine”. That is a very easy position to hold, but behind the scenes I have been asking for support all along. The India team has been praying hard and working to keep the costs down as low as possible. Faith is not possible without risk, and I stand before you now and declare that we have not been reckless, but in truth, we have been fighting to get all things settled in a good manor. The book of Acts level of prudence and faith is being followed.

There is this spiritual warfare element to all this as well. You might not be aware of all that we are encountering. Just suffice it to say that there are forces of darkness that DO NOT want these events to take place. No one said that declaring freedom from caste and oppression to people on the edges of Indian society would be easy, or be possible without sacrifice.

I ask each reader of this newsletter to rethink their decision to date that has resulted in our shortfall and consider this: I myself resisted going to India in 1999 and 2000 because I figured it would be someone else who would step forward. Finally I yielded, I risked and I sacrificed to reach beyond my comfort zones and make a difference in this world. It has been a great thing for me and my family, yet I can’t do it alone. I need a team to support us in this.

Please look at the details of what we are spending the money on and get a sense for the good it will bring to pastors who labor daily under conditions you and I would find untenable. Consider the 5-10 thousand people who will (if we team up here) hear a message of hope at the crusade. Now, please don’t take this as guilt, but as an opportunity that will not only pass us by if we fail here, but will set back something that is virtually impossible to cancel.

For those who have come forward and sent support, I thank you wholeheartedly.



July 7th, 2007 12:07 by Indi-Andy

This post title is a bit of a joke, and not really accurate, as there are so many times we feel like God Himself is squeezing us through a trial, when all along, it is really just about Him being in charge of things. The scriptures declare in Pr 16:9 that, “The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps”. We have certainly planned and prayed and trusted God all along, and now that we are just a few days away from departure, the bulk of the funding for the events on the trip have yet to come through.

I have felt super squeezed by this because although I have trusted God on one level to come through, I have not thought to trust God to alter the plan if He sees fit. He might just so choose to use a different funding amount to direct our steps away from big meetings, to something more intimate. He might have a different plan for us than last year. Changes from the plan I am sure are going to upset some individuals, but I have to release myself from that as well. God will provide for what he wants us to do.

All I know is that instead of pushing on all cylinders to call for last minute support, which could quickly become an effort in my own flesh, I need to step back and consider it released to Him to provide enough for the main things we are coming to do. I know God called us to go. We have planned what to do while there, but God just might have laid out some different steps for us to take.

Like all things in life, we have to deal with conflicting intentions. The most powerful ones always prevail. My intention to continue the meetings this year building from last are strong, but must give way to the primary intent to let God be God in how this ministry grows. Life is no fun when we take things upon ourselves when the traction you know only God can confirm is elusive. Our support partners have to hear God’s leading too.

Now this does not mean we are cancelling the events at this time, just that I am open to it if that is how things continue. Maybe this is all about overcoming a fear of loss, or about an unforeseen avenue of support emerging. It is never good to force a script on God, and I know through the two meetings I just had with Godly men I respect, that we have to make room for this to play out in either direction.

Please keep praying and tell me what the Holy Spirit is whispering in your ear for this trip.


Maduranthakam! Here we come…,

June 28th, 2007 11:06 by joshua

We greet you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As you are aware by now that our focus for 2007 is on Maduranthakam. Before we start, here is a ball park view about the place. One of the bigger towns in Kanchipuram district, Maduranthakam has a population of around a 1 Million spread over 320 villages. The town has a Christian population of 10,000, 90 Churches and about 600 temples. The literacy rate is lower than what we have seen at Kalpakkam last year. We will be ministering to a very diverse population and our prayer is that God will open up the heavens and pour out his blessings over this town.

The Preparation starts!

We (Team India) have been meeting regularly with local leaders and pastors of Maduranthakam praying and discussing with them for the upcoming crusade. They are all in union and excited to support us in making this crusade successful. We are strengthened by their faith and their spiritual walk with Christ. When asked about the expected turnout at the crusade, Pastor Das (Leader of the Maduranthakam Pastor’s fellowship) expressed in faith that it would exceed 10,000. We have identified the location for the crusade and teams are being sent there everyday to pray. We have a common fasting prayer lined up on the 7th of July where all the churches in Maduranthakam are going to participate. We will be praying for the crusade and the pastor’s conference.

meetings in progressmeetings in progressmeetings in progressLocal church leaders

The awareness created through word of mouth publicity has already made people enquiring and this will be further emboldened by the posters, flyers, digital banners, TV and radio announcements that will be making their rounds from the 7th of July.

The 2007 pastor’s conference will be held at the same venue as last year. (2006 pastors conference) The promotions have already begun and the response is overwhelming. We still hear a great testimony of pastor’s who are experiencing the Tipping point in their lives, ministries and churches. Our register has recorded 400 participants so far and the number is swelling everyday. This year’s theme, “Overcoming fear in the deepest level” is very essential and practical especially for apostles who carry God’s word because only if the theme of the conference is achieved on a personal level, will they be able to take to the world at large.

We are hoping and praying for higher levels of breakthroughs and miracles this year, and would place a humble request to stand with us and support us prayerfully, financially or even take a bold step of faith to join us here in India from July13 through to the 30th as we proclaim the living God and claim Kanchipuram for Christ.


Second Pastors Conference needs sponsors

June 25th, 2007 08:06 by Indi-Andy

Hello friends.

It is with an unusual sense of subdued confidence that I come to you all to announce that we are once again right at the doorstep of another trip to India to conduct our second annual pastors conference and our 4th crusade.

I am confident because of the peace God has given me regarding how the funding for the trip will come together, yet I am subdued because I personally don’t like to send out letters like this to people at the last minute. I had hoped we would be all set by now. For one reason or another, I find myself increasingly in this position of having my hand out to friends, family and business contacts. Whether it is for a ministry trip, or for a new business startup, I think I just need to settle into the idea that I have wealth in the form of enterprise, and am meant to find partners with those who can help me execute on big ideas. Please don’t be nervous about this call for sponsorship if your role to prayer for this trip. That works too.

There are really two things that keep me confident through all this. First is the peace of knowing that these plans have been laid out before God and He has directed me to be at peace and he will bring in a few people to contribute the $31k needed. Secondly, I am 100% convinced that the idea of holding annual pastors conferences and crusades in South India as a way to develop leaders and build bridges of relationship between churches across the Pacific is a very effective use of finances. I would pay it all myself if I could.

Each person from our team is paying their own way for the trip, and the leaders we are working with in India are of the highest integrity. I have seen this play out for 3 years now, and each year God strengthens relationships with the leaders, inspires them to pull together and really help the people of Kanchipuram break free from the wreckage of idolatry and the caste system that has enslaved South India for over 3000 years.

Last year, at our first pastors conference, we had over 700 in attendance and the leaders there were treated to a time of great honor and blessing. Many of these pastors labor in obscurity beyond what we in the US can comprehend. Living in villages and standing for those rejected by society and abused by ancient slavish agricultural labor practices, these pastors share in the suffering of those they are working to reach. We pay for their transportation to the conference, food and dormatories at the TransWorld Radio conference center on the coastline of Tamil Nadu. This alone brings them a refreshment they seldom receive elsewhere.

The two day conference itself has 3 morning speakers and an evening service where the Word is delivered in ways to help them practically in leadership development in their churches and in personal ministry. Last year, the theme of the messages was on recognizing and creating the Tipping Point of change and revival where you live. Leaders present made pledges to push through barriers, embrace change and inspire courage as leaders not only of a small band of believers, but as leaders of the community itself. The answers to poverty, abandonment, desperation and oppression lie not in outside help, but in the inspiration of local leadership to reject the status quo and equip people around them with the hope of Christ.

The conference this year will build upon the good will created from last year, and stress the theme of love as the only force capable of conquering our fears. We expect a strong attendance with leaders coming from greater distances. Please check out past posts on the blog to get a greater sense of what happened in last years conference and crusade.

To make this years ministry a success, we need a few of you to partner with us. I am thinking it is less than 10 people, because I can’t shake the idea that a few people will join me and give all the money that is needed. I think that is God’s plan in this.

I’ll trust you of course to know if you are meant to partner at this time, and I hope in any case you can join us in prayer or at least cheer us on as Chris, Katy, Bonnie, Dustin, Austin, Adam, Mike and I set out on the 11th of July for 3 weeks.

Thanks for reading,


New quarterly meetings…

March 26th, 2007 07:03 by Indi-Andy

We are now sponsoring regular meetings for pastors to join together for prayer in anticipation of a new conference this July.

From: jachin victor
Subject: hi..
To: Andrew Deal

hi pastor…

21st was a power packed day.Blessed time of worship
and prayer.. we had a gathering of about 350 pastor
who were on their knees crying out to God for the
district of kanchipuram.. Patrick Joshua preached on
the power of prayer, stressed on personal Holiness,
Broad Vision and Desire. At the end of the meeting
pastors were divided in groups to pray for each taluk
(city) (township) in kanchipuram district. They left
empowered and stirred up in their faith to allow
themselves to be used by God in extra - ordinary ways.

2007 prep

March 17th, 2007 05:03 by Indi-Andy

Hi all.

These months have been an amazing journey yet a difficult time to create specific plans for the trip in July.
I am working like crazy to launch the first true fully accessible mobile major media audio on demand portal ever.
The work is exhilarating, yet very demanding.

For this years trip, we will be having our second pastors conference for the Kanchipuram district and I have been working to secure a commitment from John Bishop to go with me this time, and it looks like that might happen.

Anyway, our church is up to something amazing… An Easter Service live from the Rose Garden!

I pray we can be as remarkable in our passion to build the bridge as pastor John is in stepping out in expanding the reach of the gospel in the Northwest.

Wedding bells create another visit

December 8th, 2006 01:12 by Indi-Andy

Greetings all. I guess I have to apologize for the big gap in posting, but life hasn’t allowed much time for public reflection lately.

When we planned and prayed in August about the new year, we knew that Joshua’s wedding in December would call me back to India on a special trip. Well, I made it. It took a miracle to make it, and God was faithful to make it happen.

Joshua married Dorathy on Dec 1st in a service and celebration that 1500 friends and family enjoyed. I arrived early that same day and had the honor of praying at the beginning of the ceremony. It was awesome. I also won the award for the longest distance travelled. I see God’s hand in this couple and am excited for what it means for them and for Josh’s future in ministry. Dorathy is a women of great character and I see them moving together with God’s power mightily.

After I got here, the next few days were spent trying to recover from jet lag, like I have never had before. Maybe I am getting old, or I have just been under too hectic of a schedule lately, but here it is a week later and I still can’t tell if this is real, or I am in a dream. :-)

Yesterday, we had a pastors meeting in Chengulpet, that was organized by who else but Pastor Joel… CGI’s main connector of churches. It was wonderful for me to return there, as this is really where CGI got it’s start in a sense. It was 2 and a half years ago I addressed this same group prior to my first crusade in Chengulpet.

We had communion and celebrated what God is doing in various churches in Kanchipuram district, in which Chengulpet stands in the center. Pastor Joe Durai and I spoke to about 350 pastors and leaders in the area. This was Pastor Joe’s first time out of the house since his accident in June. His brain injuries are healing and he is regaining his memories daily. I sense God will coninue to use him greatly, and new doors will open for him as well. We are just glad to see him rising out of this tragedy that kept him from speaking at our first conference, knowing that the Lord is redeeming what the enemy has tried to steal from him.

The meeting went very well by God’s incredible grace. I had felt, due to my total sleep disorientation and other distractions that I would be inefective when addressing these heroes of faith I was standing before, but God allowed me to relate my own struggles and successes to them, and our hearts bonded to make it a great time. The message proved to be effective as I shared three principles from the life of Nehemiah that relate to pastoring:

  • Calling
  • Creating
  • Contending

Well I hope all who read this enjoy the holidays. I am homesick already even though this will be the shortest trip to India I have made or proabl will ever make.



Aftermath of July 2006 Pastors Conference and Crusade

October 20th, 2006 09:10 by joshua

Almighty and Powerfull is our Lord who Lives for Ever and Ever - is what i can keep saying again and again. Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty was the given promise to us (india team) as we started to pray and work towards the confernce and the crusade.The task ahead of us was huge, tremendous and yes there were times when we had to cross big hurdles, but the promise given was our strength,guidence and stronghold. Our faith grew; we hoped for bigger things and planned big.We did what we needed to do and Knew that God will do the rest, and Yes oh! yes he did.

I am sure you guys would have read the blogs on how God’s awesome and glorious power moved, transformed and set the captives free. There was liberation and celebration.

Three months have passed and the waves of revival are sweeping across kalpakkam (kanchipuram dist). Churches have been set on fire and ignited into passion for souls. The conference has equipped pastors and leaders to step out in boldness and strive for the tipping point in their ministry. Plenty of pastors are calling us and are testifying about the outpour of God’s Spirit as they started to embrace change and set higher goals in breaking chains of traditions and living a lifestyle of worship; and experiencing God use them beyond their boundaries. The crusade has bonded the pastors fellowships as a single force together in unity to shake the shackles of the enemies strategies. The seeds of Gospel sown are being harvested and are discipled to grow strong in the Kingdom of God. In recent times churches are mobilizing prayer warriors who would dedicate themselves to prayer and intercede for a hour each day for their nation. The Spirit of prayer is spreading wild and putting people in the threshold of Spiritual warfare.

In conclusion we give God all the Glory, honour and praise for His marevellous and immense move at kalpakkam (Sadras) and at the conference. It has indeed impacted many lives, but it is not over as yet more lives are in need of another touch. We leave it to God in prayer, grateful for what he has done.

Join us in seeking and praying for a Christ-centered Kanchipuram dist.