Archive for the 'Freedom in Christ' Category

Feet on the Ground in DC Jericho March - Heart in the Air

Saturday, December 19th, 2020

My “Heart in the Air” part of the headline is all about how, despite a big showing from many awesome Christ followers on the 12th, the energy of Jericho March was still largely overshadowed by the overall StopTheSteal anger and outrage show. This leads me to believe that what is needed is for a rapid awakening in the church.. this is impossible with man, but possible with God.

The Moral Virtue of Liberty

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019

Although this topic deserves deep exploration above so many others, all I have time and energy for here is to share what the Lord has been showing me on this today.
When you and I talk about liberty, the reaction we often get, whether from others or even within our own polluted conscience, is that of [...]

Aquaponic Greenhouse Dedication Party

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

What a wonderful time we had! 30 friends from 3 church communities… neighbors, friends and more. We feel your love and are so glad you came! Our journey into seeking responsible food independence has opened up a whole new appreciation for the way God does things compared to man. God creates ecosystems of harmony. [...]

New site updates complete

Thursday, May 9th, 2013

For 2013, the site is finally back in good looking shape for a new season. All the references to upcoming events are gone until we resume having events. Writing, fellowship and small group meetings are the other things being loosely planned right now.
Most people I know still have not seen our main testimony video, so [...]