
Archive for the '2005 Trip' Category
Friday, September 16th, 2005
It was for Aug 12, 13 and 14 that we made an appointment to visit this ancient town.. not as tourists, but with an event we produced to address any and all that would come. My ministry partner in India, Joshua Victor, and I hooked up with 5 key pastors in order to organize the [...]
Posted in 2005 Trip | 1 Comment »
Friday, September 16th, 2005
I woke up this morning remembering the ministry time in India as if it was a distant memory, then I realized it all happened just one month ago! Yes it has been a busy and wonderful time since Kanchipuram, but nothing compares to being in that place where God is using me to reach a [...]
Posted in 2005 Trip, General info and Inspiration | No Comments »
Monday, August 15th, 2005
Josh’s Church, Praise Garden, where pastor Aruldas serves, is the most welcoming, mature and focussed church I know in India.
Also for me, the people there have a great heart and desire for the Kingdom of God to expand, and are ready to partner with us going forward.
Kathy and the kids came with me to their [...]
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Sunday, August 14th, 2005
Big breakthroughs for the city of Kanchipuram, as we finished last night of crusade with over 5000 in attendance!
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Saturday, August 13th, 2005
Saturday night came with a sense of reckoning. The burden I felt on the first night was replaced with a new one, which is hard to compare in terms of severity, but it was very different. I was much more settled regarding the message itself, but the unanswered question was how far to take it. This sermon is where the Jeremiah mandate was to come into play. And this message was to be a pretty tough pill to swallow.
Posted in 2005 Trip | No Comments »
Friday, August 12th, 2005
Friday night approached with a great deal of trepidation for me. I mulled over not only a sermon title, but even the theme and temperature of the event. When I prayed about being strong toward tearing down strongholds, the Lord reminded me to know nothing else among them except Christ and Him crucified. (1 Cor [...]
Posted in 2005 Trip | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 10th, 2005
Joshua’s pastor, and my great encouragor, pastor Aruldas (affectionately known as Arulappa) with me today to convey the spiritual background of what we are facing and ministering to. I am at a loss to convey it in words, as i dont want to be redundant, so all I can say is that we are getting [...]
Posted in 2005 Trip | 3 Comments »
Monday, August 8th, 2005
This post will be brief although originally intended to be large. I started it twice and in both cases closed the browser before posting! Doh.
Anyway, on Sunday after meeting with Solomon, I went down to Chengulpet to meet with our main coordinator, Pastor Joel Sekaran.
We had a wonderful time encouraging one another and I was [...]
Posted in 2005 Trip | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005
Talk about busy!
The ministry teams are spreading the word with 20,000 flyers and they are posting an unbelievable 2000 posters all around the area.
Please pray that all goes well and that God grants us favor in our distribution.
Posted in 2005 Trip | No Comments »
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005
I sent the following letter out to the pastors who are laboring with great enthusiasm in preparation for Life Gate.
Please read and send comments regarding how you might like to use the relationship bridge to support these men who labor in Kanchipuram.
They will appreciate knowing there are those around the world praying for them.
Greetings to [...]
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