Putting India’s Caste News into our Blog

Greetings. I want to make this site a resource for those that are praying, and to do so requires that you have a sense for recent news items coming from India, especially relating to caste issues. To make this happen, I decided to embed this feed into the blog so you can take a look as you are reading updates. Right now it is just part of this post, but we’ll likely make it a permanent part of the home page as this post gets pushed back to page 2.

Why news about caste? The dismantling of the caste system in my view is the single biggest ongoing news theme in India relating to a spiritual shift in the nations culture. When we conduct a crusade, caste is on my mind, and setting the captives free under the authority of Christs mission is the place from which I speak in faith. If we continue to come from this place in both word and deed, we’ll see town after town transformed in every way, as the church truly grows in its role to lead people in love toward freedom.

Sorry about the ad there.. It comes with the news feed package :-/

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