
Hi everyone!

I am currently sitting in Andrew’s office, about to write my first post for the blog, so amazing I know. I shall start from the beggining on how I got here. Months and months ago, I wanted to come to india, and my loving family and friends made it possible by helping me earn and gather the money that I needed to come, a complete blessing from God. This trip to India brought about many firsts for me. My first missions trip, my first time on a plane, my first time out of the U.S, and my first Adult trip far away from home. From the very beggining this trip has been a HUGE adventure for me.

I am glad to say that we though tired and worn out, arrived safly in India. The first night to me was terrifying, I arrived jetlag and uncomfortable with the poverty and busyness of my sourndings, I was very much so in fear, the next morning after sleeping my brain only told me one thing: I need to go home. Fear had absorbed me. But shortly after I woke up, we had our first devtional time together in India, where I felt the beggining of how much the holy spirt was presnet with our group.

We sat down and started to pray and sing, and me not being able to contain my fears and emtions any longer. Blew up, well I basically started bawling. My loving family surronding me, prayed that the holy spirt to be with me and to give me comfort. Which it so strongly did! Amazing. But we finshed out our first day with exploration and sleep.

Sunday, we traveled for about an hour to Caleb’s church. My first real experience of Indian culture. It was beautiful and I fell instantly in love with the people in my surrondings, they were so loving and inviting, and wanted nothing more then to talk to me and have me be close to them! The service, was very different from the ones back home, not that its bad in any way. They sang in Tamal/English and talked in Tamal/English.. I still enjoyed it throughly. During the service Chris spoke on how we are created in the image of God. It was beautiful and the church enjoyed it. After the service we were approched by the people and they spoke to us about different things; like how we got there, what we were doing, and telling us about their lives. They were so excited just to talk to us, I felt so blessed! And my personal favorite was most definetly the Children!

Pastor Caleb has a beautiful baby, that I much enjoyed playing with. But also the children were beyond excited to talk to us. There were two little girls who I took a special liking too, im pretty sure that they were sisters. They were so shy, but curious to really look at me. One of them sweetly handed me her candy, and just looked at me. She was beyond adorable. It was so beautiful and amazing the way I felt the spirt in this chruch in such a short amount of time. I mean everyone wanted to pray and were comfortable just shouting praises and singing at the top of their lungs, I wish I had this in my own church at home I just loved feeling so free and surronded by God. Such an amazing beggining in such a short amount of time!

One Comment to “India”

  1. Tony Looney Says:

    You’re awesome! I’m praying for you!

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