Pre-Arrival Letter Sent to Kanchipuram Pastors

I sent the following letter out to the pastors who are laboring with great enthusiasm in preparation for Life Gate.
Please read and send comments regarding how you might like to use the relationship bridge to support these men who labor in Kanchipuram.
They will appreciate knowing there are those around the world praying for them.

Greetings to the Beloved Shepherds of Kanchipuram!

In preparation for my arrival for the upcoming three nights of meetings, my hope had been to spend time with you as pastors and share more intimately the joy I have in being accepted to return for a second time. Unfortunately, this is not possible, and so I am forced to hear second-hand about how wonderfully the Lord has been with you in preparing for the Life Gate Revival Festival!

I want to remind each of you that when I spoke at the Pastors meeting last year, I made a commitment to you. That commitment was to walk as a servant among you that I might not only preach with an anointed authority for the sake of the harvest, but also to walk humbly in your midst so we can build a life-long partnership together. I hope you’ll see this visit and all future visits as further proof of this commitment, and I hope you desire to build relationship also with me. God is building a society of prayer support here at home as I find opportunity to share with more saints about all the great things that are happening in your district.

The vision the Lord Jesus Christ gave me of building a bridge is coming to pass, and the bridge is one of relationship between the saints of two countries. My goal with you is to begin to pass more prayers, information and testimonies across that bridge, so we can become better together than any of us could ever become on our own. (One tool you can use, if you have experience using the internet, is to read and post comments onto ). I hope that during our brief time together, we will be able to eat together, plan, pray and laugh like was done so wonderfully on the Day of Pentecost. I want to encourage each of you to whatever extent I can to remain steadfast in ministry and to raise up a new generation of pastors, prophets and evangelists.

Finally, let me say on a practical note, that Joshua, Joel and I are committed to making sure the decision cards are completed by those at the altar and faithfully distributed to you by area so you can minister to new families in an effective way. I hope that when we come to that critical time of the service, that you are ready to help me minister to them in prayer. If there ever is a time during the services where your ministry help is required, it is at this time of harvest! We need to resolve now not to let the devil distract or deter us from our goal of ministering to the souls coming through the Life Gate! One final wish is that all of us could pray for 10 minutes right before each service.

God bless each and every one of you in the matchless Name above all Names, Jesus Christ our Lord!

Brother Andrew Deal

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